2008.8.4Б@---Б@New EP has just been released!! | |
Finally I released my new EP "DREAMS CREATE THE FUTURE EP" from juno download today on Aug 4th. I choose digital release this time because I deeply thought that I would like to send my message and music of LAIF ART MUSIC in Aomori to as many people as possible. First of all, I would like to thank staffs of juno download for a chance to release my EP digitally. I could never imagine that I could have a day like today. I really appreciate your support. This EP includes 4 tracks. I've been brought up all these tracks with whole my heart one by one, so I want everybody who got this EP enjoy music made in Aomori. LAIF ART MUSIC is still on halfway to my dream. I keep going step by step ahead!! I don't stick to formats of my release like record, CD and digital download, so I really want to keep your support!! My favorite word, "DREAMS CREATE THE FUTURE"!! I hope it reaches out to the hearts of all the people in the world who live their life very hard with their dreams and hopes.......... LAIF ART MUSIC TAISUKE |